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Australian Flooding: Fact of the Matter is Global Warming

January 14, 2011

Finally a couple days after we reported January 13th on recent NASA and NOAA reports ‘that the global average surface temperature for 2010 had tied the record set in 2005’, mainstream media ABC News finally is saying like it is. The Australian flooding is related to global warming.

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Queensland Government site:
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Financial Times reports:

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Queensland’s floods, now into their second month and spreading south to New South Wales, will go down as one of the worst natural disasters in Australian history. Brisbane, the country’s third most populous city, narrowly escaped a repeat of the devastating floods of 1974 but low-lying suburbs and parts of the central business district are shut down, awash in sewage- tainted waters.

The floods mark a devastatingly costly start to 2011 for the so-called “lucky country” that is known more commonly for enduring prosperity and a wealth of natural resources.

Australia’s normally resilient economy could lose as much as A$13bn ($12.8bn) from the floods, economists estimate, with big hits to the mining and agricultural sectors, the country’s biggest export earners, and crippling damage to transport networks.

Today, ABC news is reporting more information on the Aussie disaster

Here is our own Path to Well-Being January 13th Post:

Two agencies, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, reported Wednesday that the global average surface temperature for 2010 had tied the record set in 2005. The analyses differ slightly; in the NOAA version, the 2010 temperature was 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit above the average for the 20th century, which is 57 degrees.

The United States was wetter and hotter last year than the average values for the 20th century, but over all the year was not as exceptional in this country as for the world as a whole. In the contiguous United States, for instance, the NOAA figures showed that it was the fourth hottest summer on record and the 23rd hottest year.

The new figures confirm that 2010 will go down as one of the more remarkable years in the annals of climatology. It featured prodigious snowstorms that broke seasonal records in the United States and Europe; a record-shattering summer heat wave that scorched Russia; strong floods that drove people from their homes in places like Pakistan, Australia, California and Tennessee; a severe die-off of coral reefs; and a continuation in the global trend of a warming climate.

It was the 34th year running that global temperatures have been above the 20th-century average; the last below-average year was 1976. The new figures show that 9 of the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since the beginning of 2001.